A functional interface is an interface that has exactly only one abstract method(SAM).
Example:- Sample example without and with a functional interface and lambda interface.
public interface Bike {
public void pulsar();
public class BikeImpl implements Bike{
public void pulsar() {
System.out.println("This is pulsar method implementation");
public class FunInterfaceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Without a functional interface and lambda
BikeImpl bike = new BikeImpl();
With a Functional interface and lambda expression, No need for BikeImpl.java class just need the Bike.java functional interface and the main method to call it.
public class FunInterfaceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Using the functional interface and lambda
Bike bikeFn = () -> System.out.println("This is functional interface call using lambda expression");