Showing posts from January, 2024

Java interview questions answers.

Java interview questions answers. Java basic interview questions answers. Java interview questions and answers for experienced Java technical interview questions answers(Difference between)

Java basics interview Questions answers.

Java basic interview questions answers. 1. Why is Java not a pure object-oriented language? Answer:-             Java is not a pure object-oriented language due to primitive data types like boolean, byte, char, int, float, doubl…

Program to remove duplicates

Problem :- Write a program to remove duplicate numbers from given array list numbers. Java code:- package com.codeforsolution.java8; /*//Write a program to remove duplicate numbers from given arrays list numbers * */ import java…

Java 8 logical questions answers

Java 8 logical interview questions. Write a program to remove duplicate numbers from given array list numbers. Write a Java program using Java 8 to find the smallest numbers from the array list. Count the number of occurrences r…

Spring-boot Questions

Top Spring Boot questions.  What is Spring Boot?          Answer :-     Spring boot is used for programming standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications  with minimal effort.   Spring Boot is a convention-over-confi…

Write a Java program to print the Nth odd Fibonacci series.

Problem: -  Write a Java program to print the Nth odd Fibonacci series. Solution: -  For example:-  1 3 5 13 21  ...... Java code: - package; import java.util.Scanner; public class OddFibonacci…

Write a Java program to print Nth Fibonacci series.

Problem: -  Write a Java program to print the Nth Fibonacci series. Solution: - The Fibonacci series is the sequence where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The 1st two numbers of the Fibonacci series are 0 an…

Microservice Tutorial

Microservices are groups of small services that work together and all services are loosely coupled and well-defined tasks.  This tutorial will teach us how to build microservices using Java language using Spring framework proj…

Write a Java program to Reverse each words from a string.

Problem: -  Write a Java program to Reverse each word from a string. Solution: - We are going to reverse the words from a string. Let's take an example.  Input: - "java code for solution" Output: -"avaj edoc …

Write a Java program to reverse sentence by words.

Problem: -  Write a Java program to reverse sentence by words. Solution: - We are going to reverse the sentence by words. Let's take an example.  Input: - "java code for solution" Output: -"solution for code …

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