Top Spring Boot questions.
- What is Spring Boot?
Answer:- Spring boot is used for programming standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications with minimal effort. Spring Boot is a convention-over-configuration extension for the Spring Java platform intended to help minimize configuration concerns while creating Spring-based applications.
- What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?
- Ease of Development: It allows easy and fast development of Spring-based applications using Java or Groovy. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code, annotations, and XML configurations by providing autoconfiguration of all components.
- Opinionated Defaults: Spring Boot provides sensible defaults for configuration parameters, reducing developers' need to make configuration decisions. This allows developers to focus on writing business logic rather than worrying about infrastructure concerns.
- Community and Ecosystem: Spring Boot benefits from a large and active community of developers and contributors. This means extensive documentation, community support, and a wide range of third-party libraries and extensions available for various use cases.
- Embedded Servers: It offers embedded servers (Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow) for quick and convenient app deployment.
- Actuator Endpoints: Spring Boot Actuator provides built-in endpoints for monitoring and managing applications in production. These endpoints expose metrics, health checks, environment information, and more, facilitating better operational insights and management.
- Microservices Support: Spring Boot is well-suited for building microservices-based architectures. It provides features like embedded service discovery (with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka), centralized configuration management (with Spring Cloud Config), and client-side load balancing (with Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon).
- Spring Ecosystem Integration: Spring Boot seamlessly integrates with the wider Spring ecosystem, including Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Batch, and Spring Cloud. This allows developers to leverage existing Spring modules and libraries for various requirements.
- Testing Support: Spring Boot provides comprehensive support for testing, including integration testing with embedded servers (using tools like TestRestTemplate), unit testing with Spring's testing framework, and support for popular testing libraries like JUnit and Mockito.
- Production-Ready Features: Spring Boot offers features that are essential for building production-grade applications, such as health monitoring, centralized logging, security features, and robust error handling.
- Simplified Deployment: With Spring Boot, deploying applications is straightforward. You can package your application as a standalone JAR file and deploy it to any environment that supports Java, without the need for complex deployment scripts or setup.
- What Are the Differences Between Spring and Spring Boot?
- What Is Spring Initializr?
- How to Disable a Specific Auto-Configuration?
- How to Deploy Spring Boot Web Applications as Jar and War Files?
- What Is Spring Boot DevTools Used For?
- What Is Spring Boot Actuator Used For?
- How to Change the Default Port in Spring Boot?
- Which Embedded Servers Does Spring Boot Support, and How to Change the Default?
- Why Do We Need Spring Profiles?
- How to enable Actuator in the Spring boot application?
- What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Configuration annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Bean annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Value annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Profile annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation?
- What are the Spring Boot key components?
- Why Spring Boot over Spring?
- What is the starter dependency of the Spring boot module?
- What is the purpose of using @ComponentScan in the class files?
- How to get the list of all the beans in your Spring boot application?
- How do you check the environment properties in your Spring boot application?